Empowering Children for Three Decades

Discover the unique Montessori journey that nurtures Independent, Confident, and Bright individuals

Love for Learning

At Arunodoy, we believe learning is a journey without end, one that flourishes from early childhood through the later years of life. Our mission is to ignite a love for learning that never dims, empowering children with not just knowledge for today, but the skills to Seek, Grow, and Discover anew throughout their lives.

It's this lifelong love for learning that sets our students on a path to Success, Curiosity, and Resilience for the future.

Why Montessori Education?

Montessori education, founded by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907, emphasizes self-directed learning, mixed-age classrooms, and tactile learning materials. It nurtures independent, confident learners, worth parents' attention for its proven benefits in child development

It emphasises and fosters holistic understanding through Practical life skills, Sensory development, Hands-on math, Language literacy, and Cultural appreciation, nurturing Independent, Creative, and Globally aware individuals.

Learn more. Download a free E-book

Our Programs

Toddler Program
0-3 years

House of Children
3-6 years

After School Program

"The growth we've seen in our child since starting at this Montessori school is remarkable. Not only has he developed academically, but his social skills have flourished too. The supportive environment and attentive teachers have been instrumental in his development. We can't thank them enough for shaping him into the curious and joyful child he is today."

- Vivek and Meena


"Choosing Arunoday Montessori for my child was the best decision we've made. Initially unsure about Montessori education, a visit to the school changed everything. The focus on individual growth and practical life skills is impressive"

- Simran

"Seeing my child happy and excited to share what she learned each day is the best feeling. Ms. Anita really knows how to connect with the kids."

- Divya Subramani

"My son used to cling to me at drop-offs. Now, he can't wait to see Ms Roma and start the day. It's been wonderful to see."

- Meenakshi Rao

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